For a long time now, I've wanted to be a writer. I've always enjoyed telling stories, even if they were never truly original. However, I've never really been good with the self-discipline required to be a dedicated writer. I always seem to let other things get in the way, be they school, work, or raw anxiety. Check any of my notebooks (both in the paper and computer sense) and you'll find hundreds of story scraps and fragments. Each of them has some potential, but I've never really developed them into anything.
This is where this challenge comes in. For the entirety of August, I will write and post a piece of microfiction to this blog each day. While the exact definition of microfiction tends to change from author to author, for the sake of this challenge I'll be defining it as a work of fiction between 300 and 1,000 words in length. To further challenge my creativity, each of these pieces of microfiction will be based on a randomly generated writing prompt, which will be generated here. While I'll start out with only 1 complexity, as the weeks go by I will add more and more.
Although I can't guarantee that I'll be uploading the stories at any specific time, they will be uploaded each day. If you have any comments or concerns, feel free to respond to any of these blog posts.